Wednesday, November 12, 2014

God's work, Our (New) Logo

This blog is my blog, but it's also your blog, since it's about the mission work of the Alaska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Though it's been awhile since I've written, the new logo, see above, for the mission work of our synod is a great way to re-start the conversation, and the blogging. (Synod = geographical region of our wider church. Ours is the whole state of Alaska).

In case you didn't know, there is a group of folks working on the synod level on issues around mission, outreach and congregational renewal. It's called the Alaska Synod Mission Table, and it has other "legs" that work on things like stewardship, grants, telling the story of the church at work and more. Come to think of it, it's more like a mission octopus but the image of table resonates stronger with our work as people of Christ.

A table is a place to eat, of course, and it's where we receive the Lord's Supper and promise of God's presence always. But think of other tables you know, like kitchen tables, which are places where people talk about their lives, dream, plan and hope. As an aside, a recent article in the Atlantic talks about the benefits of table-time as a family, which has more benefits than you might think.

Most ELCA congregations I've been to make a big deal about welcoming all to the table. We feel the same way about the Alaska Synod Mission Table. We want to know more about your questions about mission, your hopes for the church, your questions about how to engage with those outside the church and your insights into where God is calling us.

In the future, you'll see more frequent (God willing and the creek don't rise) blog posts about resources for mission, outreach and stewardship. But you'll also see conversations with other partners. Members of the Alaska Synod are invited and welcome to share ideas on this blog -- guest authors welcome!

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